Comms and Marketing Expert, Change Maker and Motivational Teamlead.

Campaign lead - #INYOURFACE by Ocean. Now!

The NGO Ocean. Now! was about to step into the limelight. The idea was to connect conceptual art with our campaign topic in a viral way.


Over a period of 5 months, ocean lovers collected microplastic samples that are now shown symbolically in the shape of a “beauty mask” on “known faces”. The bloody nose stands for the destructive character of microplastics. With In Your Face, Ocean. Now! aims at sending a clear message: It’s time to finally ban microplastics in cosmetics and cleaning products.

 Photo credit: Saskia Uppenkamp

Photo credit: Saskia Uppenkamp

 Photo credit: Tomaso Baldessarini

Photo credit: Tomaso Baldessarini

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